
The Board members provide support and advisory services, in general, and specifically within their respective geographic and topical expertise. The position of Advisor is an honorary position and entails no emuneration.

CBNRM Networking welcomes requests to become members of the Board. Please write to us in order to discuss this.

Relevant Sections and Pages: Advisors.

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Board members

Lars T. Soeftestad
Lars T. Soeftestad
Position: Founder and Coordinator, CBNRM Networking.
Focus (topics): Capacity building, Coastal zone management, Conflict management, Fisheries, Indigenous people and minorities, Institution analysis/building, Legal reform, Monitoring and evaluation, Non-formal education, Rangeland management, Social and institutional analyses/assessment, Social and institutional development, Strategic communication.
Focus (geographic): Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Horn of Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Africa, Central Africa.
Professional profile: Ph.D. (abd) Anthropology. CEO, Supras Ltd. (Norway, Bulgaria, Pakistan). Works on social and institutional analyses in connection with capacity building, natural resource mgmt., democratization, governance, ICTs and development, inclusion, institution building, legal reform, and monitoring and evaluation. Former employers include Rural and Health Development Center Foundation (a Bangladeshi NGO), Sida, University of Zurich and World Bank. He has consulted widely for, among others, DFID, Dutch Aid, GEF, Govt. of Norway, GIZ, IFAD, IFC, ILO, Innovation Norway, Norad, Sida, UNDP, UNOPS, USAID, World Bank, and private sector firms and NGOs.
Social media (selected): Devex | Lars Soeftestad’s profile on LinkedIn | Twitter | Lars Soeftestad’s profile on XING
Locations: Kristiansand, Norway and Varna, Bulgaria.
Winfried Ellingsen
Winfried Ellingsen
Focus (geographic): Nepal.
Focus (topics): Evaluations, migration/mobility studies, regional development, space and culture.
Professional profile: Ph.D. Geography. Sr Researcher, Agder Research and Ass. Professor, Dept. of Geography, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Social media: Winfried Ellingsen’s profile on LinkedIn.
Location: Trondheim, Norway.
David Groenfeldt
David Groenfeldt
Focus (geographic): Latin America, Asia.
Focus (topics): Irrigation management, participatory approaches.
Professional profile: Ph.D. Anthropology. Director, Water and Culture Institute.
Social media: David Groenfeldt’s profile on LinkedIn.
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States.
Tore W. Steen
Tore W. Steen
Focus (geographic): Southern Africa (specifically Botswana), Eastern Africa (specifically Kenya), Central Africa (specifically Nigeria).
Focus (topics): International health.
Professional profile: MD, PhD, MPH, DTM&H. Epidemiologist, Oslo City.
Social media: Winfried Ellingsen’s profile on LinkedIn.
Location: Oslo, Norway.