Welcome to this site!
CBNRM Networking supports activities in the area of natural resource management in developing and transition economies and countries globally. It focuses on subsistence practices and livelihoods in, inter alia, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and pastoralism. These livelihoods are addressed within broader and cross-cutting concerns, including democratization, governance, participation, and transparency, as connected with the dynamic relations between stakeholders in public sector, civil society and private sector.
There is a focus on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). It favors involving local people, and giving them responsibility, in co-management arrangements with other stakeholders. This is a broad focus, in that it incorporates like-minded approaches based in values and modes of operation that aim at similar outcomes and impacts. As an approach it is eclectic and adaptable. Furthermore, three specific foci underlie its activities: Communication, Knowledge management and Capacity building (→ Sections About and Profile).
CBNRM Networking operates primarily through virtual communication, that is, it relies on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In addition it supports, whenever possible, face-to-face interactions of its members and users.
In order to connect and interact with the global Community of Practice that CBNRM Networking serves, it operates through several websites and social media platforms (→ Section Services), and dedicated communications and networking Tools (→ Section Tools). These are, in turn, operationalized into specific Activities (→ Section Activities). Finally, supporting information and help is available (→ Section Support).
Links to select Services, Tools and Activities: CBNRM Net, Facebook's CBNRM page, and LinkedIn's CBNRM group.