
There are three fundamental/basic and interrelated parts to / aspects of the Profile, namely Communication, Knowledge management, and Capacity building, each of which are addressed initially on separate pages. These parts or elements figure throughout the site, in various forms and interrelations, specifically in Sections Services, Tools, and Activities. Other pages address further issues and aspects that contribute to detailing CBNRM Networking's profile.

In/through focusing on communication, knowledge management and capacity-building, CBNRM Networking provides the means - that is, a number of virtual networking and social media-based tools and services - for local CBNRM practitioners as well as CBNRM stakeholders globally to connect, communicate and share with each other. The aim is to contribute to developing a global CBNRM network and Community of Practice (CoP).

Relevant Sections and Pages: News.

(Please note: This page is currently being revised. We are sorry about this. The next time you check in on us it should look better!)

Pages in this section

  1. Vision.  (text.) [access]
  2. Communication.  (text.) [access]
  3. Knowledge management.  (text.) [access]
  4. Capacity building.  (text.) [access]
  5. Approaches.  (text.) [access]
  6. Networking.  (text.) [access]