
This page includes links to relevant third party websites.

Relevant Sections and Pages: ?.

(Please note: This page is currently being revised. We are sorry about this. The next time you check in on us it should look better!)

Pages in this section

  1. CBNRM Networking.  On websites provided by CBNRM Networking. [access]
  2. Partners.  On websites provided by CBNRM Networking's partners. [access]
  3. Affiliates.  On websites provided by CBNRM Networking's affiliates. [access]
  4. Other.  On websites provided by third parties. [access]

CBNRM Networking

  1. CBNRM Networking.  About: ?. URL: [access]
  2. CBNRM Tel.  About: ?. URL: [access]
  3. CBNRM Net.  About: ?. URL: [access]
  4. CBNRM Operations.  About: ?. URL: [access]


  1. Supras Limited (Norway).  About: Supras Ltd. provides consulting services in natural resource management, knowledge management, capacity-building and ICT-based networking, specifically directed at developing countries. URL: [access]
  2. Supras Limited (Bulgaria).  About: Supras Ltd. provides consulting services in natural resource management, knowledge management, capacity-building and ICT-based networking, specifically directed at transition countries. URL: []


  1. ?.  About: URL: ?. [access]
  2. Other

    Links to entities that work on CBNRM and related approaches, or else contain/present CBNRM knowledge.

    1.  About: contains the original CBNRM Net site as available on the World Bank, as well as several archived versions of all CBNRM Networking sites. URL: ?. [access]
    2. ?.  About: ?. URL: ?. [access]
    3. ?.  About: ?. URL: ?. [access]
    4. ?.  About: ?. URL: ?. [access]
    5. ?.  About: ?. URL: ?. [access]
    6. ?.  About: ?. URL: ?. [access]
    7. ?.  About: ?. URL: ?. [access]
    8. ?.  About: ?. URL: ?. [access]