Within the broad context of CBNRM and related approaches, and taking into consideration its Tools, Services and Activities, CBNRM Networking's vision is to support and advance a set of fundamental values.
The Vision follows from the the Mission Statement, and moreover should be understood as an implementation / application of the three preceding pages of Communication, Knowledge management, and Capacity building.
Relevant Sections and Pages: Mission Statement, Communication, Knowledge management, Capacity building.
(Please note: This page is currently being revised. We are sorry about this. The next time you check in on us it should look better!)
Vision statement
We believe in the fundamental human and societal values of equality, governance, inclusion, participation, and transparency. We aim to achieve CBNRM Networking's mission through supporting the global CBNRM CoP in its work to implement these value,s and achieve capacity building and empowerment at the local level.